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최종 갱신일 2024년 9월 20일
Waterworks of Yokohama
Over a long history, the City of Yokohama has developed advanced water technology, and through these technologies and efforts, we have succeeded in reducing non-revenue water and water leakage. For 50 years, we have been contributing to improving the water situation in emerging countries in Asia and Africa by leveraging the technology and know-how we have cultivated over the years, dispatching staff and accepting trainees. In recent years, we have been collaborating with Yokohama Water Co., Ltd., which was established with 100% investment from the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau, to work on solving issues in water supply businesses both domestically and internationally.
Waterworks of Yokohama(PDF:8,053KB)
International Cooperation by Yokohama Waterworks Bureau
Yokohama Water Business Association
International Cooperation by Yokohama Waterworks Bureau(PDF:917KB)
The History of Yokohama's modern waterworks
Safe, clean water for tomorrow
Yokohama Water Business Association
전화:045-847-6262 팩스:045-848-4281
※걸어 실수가 없도록 주의해 주세요
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