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  6. Receiving disability welfare services(장애 복지 서비스를 받기 위해서)

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Receiving disability welfare services(장애 복지 서비스를 받기 위해서)

Last updated date:2024/3/1

Issuance of certificates

Physical disability certificate

For those with long term impairments relating to vision, hearing, balance functions, voice, speech facilities or masticatory functions, limbs, heart functions, kidneys, respiratory organs, bladder or rectum, small intestine, immunity, or liver. Certification is given in levels from 1 to 6 according to the degree of the impairment, and in some cases the content of support differs according to the level.
To apply, you need to submit a medical certificate issued by a designated doctor and a photograph(4cm(height) × 3cm(width)).

Certificate of intellectual disability

For those who have been diagnosed with an intellectual disorder at a children's guidance office or a rehabilitation consultation office for persons with intellectual disabilities. Certification is given in 4 levels according to the degree of the impairment: A1 (the most severe), A2 (severe), B1 (moderate), and B2 (light).
In some cases, the content of support differs according to the level.
To apply, you need to submit a photograph(4cm(height) × 3cm(width)).

Mental disability certificate

People with mental illnesses whose condition restricts their daily life or social activities over the long term (including developmental disorders and epilepsy, but excluding intellectual disorders).
Certification is given in levels from 1 to 3 according to the degree of the impairment. This certificate allows people to use systems aimed at those with mental disabilities. To apply, you need either a medical certificate from a doctor, a disability pension certificate, or a special welfare for severely disabled people eligibility certificate.
To apply, you need to submit a photograph(4cm(height) × 3cm(width)).

Services that you can use

Nursing care benefits

In-home care (home helper)

Under this service, people with disabilities are provided with assistance enabling them to live in their own homes, such as help with bathing, eating meals, going to hospital, etc.

Visiting care for persons with severe disabilities

Under this service, people with disabilities who require constant care in their daily lives are provided with assistance enabling them to live in their own homes, such as help with bathing, eating meals, going outside, etc.

Accompanying support

Under this service, people with visual disabilities are provided with assistance enabling them to go outside safely.

Activity support

Under this service, people with disabilities who are unable to get around well depending on the situation are provided with assistance enabling them to go outside safely.

Short-term stay in a facility

Under this service, people who receive care at home are provided with nursing support for bathing, using the toilet and eating meals at a facility for a short period of time or at night in cases where the person is suffering from ill health, etc.

Medical care

Under this service, people who require medical care and constant care are provided with functional training, medical supervision, nursing, care, daily life support at a medical institution.

Assisted-living care

Under this service, people who require constant care are provided with daytime support for bathing, using the toilet, and eating meals, and are provided with opportunities for creative and productive activities.

Support for those at facilities

Under this service, people who have been admitted to a facility are provided with support at night and on holidays for bathing, using the toilet, and eating meals.

Training services


Under this service, over a certain period of time, people are provided with the rehabilitation they need to improve physical functions and social abilities to help them become self-reliant in daily life and social activities.

Transition support for employment

Under this service, over a certain period of time, people are provided with the training they need to improve the knowledge and skills they need for work.

Support for continuous employment

Under this service, people who are experiencing difficulties in finding employment at ordinary companies etc. are provided with work opportunities and training for improving their knowledge and skills.

Support for settling into employment

Under this service, regular workers are provided with support for a certain period of time to help them identify issues in their lives, and liaise and coordinate with others.

Support for enabling self-reliance in daily life

Under this service, disabled persons who live alone in their homes etc. are provided with regular scheduled home visits or home visits on an as-needed basis, consultations, etc., providing them with the support they need to conduct independent lives at home.

Support for communal daily living (group homes)

Under this service, people living in communal homes are provided with consultations and assistance in daily life, including support for bathing, using the toilet and eating meals.

Consultations and support

Local consultations and support

Support for reintegration into the community

Under this service, disabled persons who have been admitted to a support facility for disabled persons or persons with mental disabilities who have been admitted to a psychiatric hospital are provided with support to help them reintegrate into community life.

Support for settling into the community

Under this service, disabled persons who live alone in their homes etc. are provided with support in the form of an emergency contact system, enabling them to consult with someone in the event of an emergency situation according to the nature of their disabilities, etc.

Support plansSupport for consultations and plans

Support for using services

Under this service, disabled persons who express a wish to make use of welfare services for the disabled are provided with consultations and plans based on their wishes and intentions.

Support for using services on an ongoing basis

Under this service, disabled persons making use of welfare services have their circumstances reassessed at set intervals and plans revised in accordance with this.

Support to assist with community life

Mobility support

Under this service, people with disabilities are provided with assistance when they are unable to go outside by themselves.

Temporary daytime support

Under this service, children and persons with disabilities who need to make temporary use of support facilities are provided with the necessary support, including being cared for and watched over.

When using services

Those aged 18 years or older who wish to use services such as nursing care benefits need to receive certification entitling them to disability support.

Cost of services to users

In principle, the cost of services is set according to the individual's income (maximum of 10% of the costs required for the service). However, services are free for households in receipt of public assistance and households exempt from paying municipal residents' tax. Reductions or exemption from payment from actual costs are available according to the individual's income.

Children with disabilities

Services that you can use

Support for disabled children to attend facilities

developmental support for disabled children

Under this service, disabled children are provided with guidance on basic movements and other knowledge and skills for daily life, and are given training to help them cope with community life.

medical-type developmental support for disabled children

Under this service, disabled children are provided with guidance on basic movements and other knowledge and skills for daily life, medical treatment, and training to help them cope with community life, etc.

afterschool daycare services, etc.

Under this service, available after school and during long vacation periods, disabled children who attend school are provided with the training they need to improve their daily life skills, as well as opportunities to get more involved in the community, etc.

visiting support for daycare centers, etc.

Under this service, disabled children who use day-care centers, etc. are visited and provided with professional support for adapting to community life.

Home visit-type developmental support for children

Under this service, children with severe disabilities who would have great difficulty in getting out of the house to make use of support facilities are provided with home visits to give them the developmental support they need.

Residential support for children with disabilities

Welfare-type residential support for children with disabilities

Under this service, children with disabilities are admitted to a facility and receive care, as well as guidance in daily living necessary for living in the community and at home.

Support for disabled children through admission to a medical facility

Under this service, in addition to receiving care through admission to a facility, disabled children are provided with functional training, guidance on daily life, and medical treatment that they need for conducting their daily lives in the community and at home.

Consultations and support for disabled children

Under this service, help is given to disabled children who express a wish to use support services at facilities by making plans for using these support services and regularly monitoring how they are getting on, etc.

When using services

  • Please consult with your ward office for support for disabled children to attend facilities and consultations and support for disabled children.
  • Please consult with your ward office for disabled children to gain admission to a medical or welfare facility.
Where to inquire
Content Contact details
About Support for people with disabilities, etc. Telephone numbers for each ward (*Inquiries in Japanese only)

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