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Community care plazas(지역사회보호 플라자)

Community care plazas: A place on your doorstep where you can come to meet people and receive consultations

Last updated date:2024/7/8


Regarding measures being taken by community care plazas to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (from March 13, 2023)

For the time being, community care plazas are running as usual while taking care to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.While it is now up to the individual to decide whether or not to wear a mask in public, there may be times when community care plazas ask visitors to wear masks to help prevent the spread of infections or for other business related reasons. Please contact the respective community care plaza directly to find out about the kinds of day services offered for the elderly and other services they provide.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding.

Community care plazas in 30 seconds

Please feel free to come along to your local community care plaza!!

What kind of facility is a community care plaza?

Community care plazas, a type of facility unique to Yokohama City, provide a range of services as a local hub for health and welfare, helping the elderly, children, people with disabilities, etc. live in the community in peace of mind. As of July 2024, there are 146 community care plazas in Yokohama City.

Leaflet introducing community care plazas (PDF downloadable version) (in simple Japanese only)
Notices from Community Care Plazas(easy-to-understand version)(PDF:2,026KB)

Visit a community care plaza in these kinds of situations!

Hosting of events related to health and welfare (Community events, activities, etc.)

Exercise class at a community care plaza
Exercise class

Community care plazas host a range of useful events, such as exercise classes, meal gatherings and health workshops, so please come along and get involved. As a community-based venue for all things related to health and welfare, you can make use of the plaza's multipurpose hall and other facilities, as well as consult about volunteer activities.
For information on the use of the multipurpose hall and other rooms, please see the "Types of rooms"

Consultations and support relating to health and welfare

Consultation at a community care plaza

You can receive consultations from a health or welfare specialist at community care plazas. Visiting consultations can also be arranged for those unable to come to a community care plaza. If you have any concerns about yourself or anyone in your family, please get in touch. Please call in advance to schedule a consultation.

Services to improve systems for supporting people' s daily lives

Community care plazas work with the community to create a system that allows each senior citizen to live comfortably in their own familiar neighborhoods while maintaining their identity and valuing each individual's capabilities.

In-home care support services

These services are provided under the long-term care insurance system. To enable users to lead independent daily lives at home as much as possible, care managers create care plans for the use of nursing care services, and communicate and coordinate with service providers and related organizations to ensure that services are appropriate based on the plans.

Day-care services for the elderly (day services for the elderly), etc.*

These services are provided under the long-term care insurance system and other systems. The services include daily life support such as meals and bathing, as well as functional training to improve daily life functions during the daytime.
*Some community care plazas do not provide these services. Some community care plazas also provide welfare services for persons with disabilities.

Usage guide

Types of rooms

For information on how to use the various rooms, please inquire at each community care plaza.

 ・Volunteer room (capacity of around 10 people)
 ・Multipurpose hall (capacity of around 50 people)
 ・itchen (located next to the multipurpose hall, making integrated use possible)
 ・Community care room (capacity of about 10 people)

*Please note that some rooms may not be available at all facilities, and the size and capacity of rooms may differ.

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sundays, national holidays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Closing days

New Year holiday season (December 29 to January 3) and facility inspection days, etc.

Consultation hours (hours for consultation services related to welfare and health)

Monday through Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday and national holidays: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*Except for days when the facility is closed.
・During off-hours, calls will be transferred to the call center for consultation services.
・Please call in advance before coming for consultations.

Inquiries concerning community care plazas

Where to inquire
Content Contact details

About the content of this page and the community care plaza system

Community Support Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2388
Fax: 045-664-3622
About community care plazas in general

Health and Welfare Division of the ward office of the ward in which you live (*Inquiries in Japanese only)

Consultations concerning local comprehensive long-term care support centers Elderly and Disabled Support Division of the ward office of the ward in which you live (*Inquiries in Japanese only)

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