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Ward offices(구청)

Last updated date:2024/3/1

Ward offices

Opening hours ※To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the content of the information listed on this page is subject to change.

Monday - Friday, 8:45 a.m. - 5 p.m.
2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 9 a.m. - noon (open even if Saturday falls on a national holiday)
Ward offices are closed on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays of the month, national holidays, holidays in lieu of national holidays, citizen's holidays, and the New Year holiday season (December 29 - January 3).

Main things you can do at ward offices

You can undertake a range of procedures at ward offices, such as family register-related procedures for when moving house, getting married or divorced, procedures for processing taxes, and procedures for using childcare services.

Inquiries to ward offices/public works offices

Call your ward office switchboard or public works office and state the nature of your inquiry. You will then be put through to the appropriate department.

List of telephone numbers and addresses for ward offices

List of telephone numbers and addresses for ward offices
Ward offices Telephone number Address
Aoba Ward administration Office 978-2323 31-4 Ichigaocho,225-0024
Asahi Ward administration Office 954-6161 1-4-12 Tsurugamine,241-0022
Izumi Ward administration Office 800-2323 5-1-1 Izumichuokita,245-0024
Isogo Ward administration Office 750-2323 3-5-1 Isogo,235-0016
Kanagawa Ward administration Office 411-7171 3-8 Hirodaiotamachi,221-0824
Kanazawa Ward administration Office 788-7878 2-9-1 Deiki,236-0021
Konan Ward administration Office 847-8484 4-2-10 Konan,233-0003
Kohoku Ward administration Office 540-2323 26-1 Mamedocho,222-0032
Sakae Ward administration Office 894-8181 303-19 Katsuracho,247-0005
Seya Ward administration Office 367-5656 190 Futatsubashicho,246-0021
Tsuzuki Ward administration Office 948-2323 32-1 Chigasakichuo,224-0032
Tsurumi Ward administration Office 510-1818 3-20-1 Tsurumichuo,230-0051
Totsuka Ward administration Office 866-8484 16-17 Totsukacho,244-0003
Naka Ward administration Office 224-8181 35 Nihonodori,231-0021
Nishi Ward administration Office 320-8484 1-5-10 Chuo,220-0051
Hodogaya Ward administration Office 334-6262 2-9 Kawabecho,240-0001
Midori Ward administration Office 930-2323 118 Terayamacho,226-0013
Minami Ward administration Office 341-1212 2-33 Urafunecho,232-0024

When you call these telephone numbers, you will connect to the ward office's switchboard.
The addresses for ward offices indicate a general government office building. Naka Ward Office consists of a main building and annex.

List of telephone numbers and addresses for public works offices
Public Works Office Telephone number Address
Public Works Office, Aoba Branch 971-2300 31-1 Ichigaocho,225-0024
Public Works Office, Asahi Branch 953-8801 1555 Imajukuhigashicho,241-0032
Public Works Office, Izumi Branch 800-2532 5-1-2 Izumichuokita,245-0024
Public Works Office, Isogo Branch 761-0081 3-14-45 Isogo,235-0016
Public Works Office, Kanagawa Branch 491-3363 2-28-22 Kandaiji,221-0801
Public Works Office, Kanazawa Branch 781-2511 1-9-26 Teramae,236-0014
Public Works Office, Konan Branch 843-3711 10-1 Konanchuodori, 233-0004
Public Works Office, Kohoku Branch 531-7361 7-39-1 Okurayama,222-0037
Public Works Office, Sakae Branch 895-1411 1-6-1 Kosugaya,247-0007
Public Works Office, Seya Branch 364-1105 153-7 Mitsukyo,246-0022
Public Works Office, Tsuzuki Branch 942-0606 32-1 Chigasakichuo,224-0032
Public Works Office, Tsurumi Branch 510-1669 3-28-1 Tsurumichuo,230-0051
Public Works Office, Totsuka Branch 881-1621 2974-1 Totsukacho,244-0003
Public Works Office, Naka Branch 641-7681 246 Yamashitacho,231-0023
Public Works Office, Nishi Branch 242-1313 12-6 Hamamatsucho,220-0055
Public Works Office, Hodogaya Branch 331-4445 61 Godocho,240-0005
Public Works Office, Midori Branch 981-2100 876-13 Tokaichibacho, 226-0025
Public Works Office, Minami Branch 341-1106 2-33 Urafunecho, 232-0024

Tasks handled during Saturday opening hours

Family Registry Division (family registers, resident certificates, seal registration, etc.), Health Insurance and Pension Division (National Health Insurance, National Pension Plan, etc.), and some services in the Children and Families Support Division (application and receipt of child allowance, issuance of Mother and Child Health Handbooks).
Some services which require inquiries with other cities and organizations may not be available.

Organizational structure of ward offices

Ward offices comprise of the following departments.
In order to provide citizens with high quality administrative services, if needed ward offices are partially restructured in terms of organization to reflect the local characteristics of wards, etc. As such, the following information shows the standard organization of ward offices.
'- General Affairs Division: General affairs, budgeting and accounting, disaster prevention, election-related matters, issuance of automobile number plates, etc.
'- Ward Administration Promotion Division: Planning and progress control for major projects, general coordination, promotion of cooperation, public relations and public hearings, disclosure of information, etc.
'- Community Promotion Division: Neighborhood association, traffic safety, crime prevention, lifelong learning, promotion of culture and sports, management and administration of facilities, reduction of garbage volumes, etc.
'- Family Registry Division: Notification of births, marriages and deaths, notification of moving in or out, resident certificates, seal registration, issuance of national identification number cards, transfer and admission to elementary and junior high schools, etc.
'- Tax Division: Filing of individual municipal tax, taxation and income certificates, appraisal and taxation of land and houses, payment of municipal tax, etc.
'- Ward Office of Accounting: Revenue and expenditure concerning public funds, etc.
'- Health and Welfare Division: Welfare commissioners and commissioned child welfare volunteers, promotion of community health and welfare, vaccinations, cancer screening, dental health, health consultations, dietary improvements, etc.
'- Health Sanitation Division: Business licenses for restaurants, etc., food poisoning prevention, applications for hairdressing, etc., pest control, etc.
'- Elderly and Disabled Support Division: Health and welfare services for the elderly, health and welfare services for the disabled, processing of a range of disability allowances, etc.
'- Children and Families Support Division: Child-rearing support work, Mother and Child Health Handbooks, child allowances, medical checkups for infants, day-care centers, after-school child care and development, etc.
'- Public Assistance Division: Consultations and decision-making concerning public assistance, self-reliance support for the socially vulnerable, etc.
'- Health Insurance and Pension Division: National Health Insurance, Long-Term Care Insurance, Advanced Elderly Medical Service System, medical subsidies for infants and children etc., National Pension Plan, etc.
'- Public Works Office: Maintenance and operation of roads, sewage systems, rivers, and parks, etc.

Things to be aware of when visiting ward offices

Parking lots at ward offices are often full, so please use public transportation when visiting your ward office.

Regarding parking fees

Parking fees apply at ward offices. These fees differ at each ward office.
In some cases, you may receive free parking depending on your reason for visiting the ward office, such as to complete certain procedures, a consultation, medical checkup for infants, etc. For more information, please call your ward office.

Interpreting services

Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges (YOKE) provides a dispatch service for volunteer interpreters to assist non-Japanese residents of Yokohama City. You can request an interpreter to help with procedures at ward offices, meetings at municipal schools and kindergartens, etc. For more details, please visit the YOKE website.외부 사이트)(external link)

Where to inquire
Content Contact details
About the organizational structure and contacts at ward offices Ward Liaison and Coordination Division, Civic Affairs Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2067
Fax: 045-664-5295
About parking at ward offices Community Facilities Division, Civic Affairs Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2086
Fax: 045-664-5295
About general inquiries relating to family registers, resident certificates, seal registration, and the issuance of national identification number cards during Saturday opening hours at ward offices Service Window Division, Civic Affairs Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2176
Fax: 045-664-5295
About interpreting services General Affairs Division, International Affairs Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-3826
Fax: 045-664-7145

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