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What's Y-PORT?

Last updated date:2023/12/27

The Y-PORT Project is a project for international technical cooperation based on public-private partnership through the utilization of Yokohama's resources and technologies. In emerging countries in Asia, etc., urban development issues have occurred such as population increase and disorderly expansion of urban areas brought about by rapid urbanization, and deterioration of the living and natural environment associated with the underdevelopment of infrastructure and housing. The Y-PORT Project is meant to cope with these issues and strengthen partnership for the promotion of international technical cooperation by taking advantage of know-hows on urban development that Yokohama has so far cultivated and environmental technologies that private enterprises in Yokohama have. In doing so, the project aims to raise the brand value of Yokohama, a cosmopolitan city, and to promote the overseas expansion of private enterprises in the city.

Advice for Urban Development

The City of Yokohama and three partner companies that have concluded comprehensive partnership agreements (JGC Corporation, JFE Engineering Corporation and Chiyoda Corporation) invited the Minister of Construction of Myanmar to hold an opinion exchange session, etc. (February 25, 2013)

The City of Yokohama offers know-hows to cities overseas and gives advice to enterprises including SMEs in Yokohama regarding overseas expansion of infrastructure business.

Cooperation with Cities Overseas

The City of Yokohama concluded with Cebu City in the Philippines, the "Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Cooperation for Sustainable Urban Development" and has promoted participation of private and academic organizations. In July 2012, Yokohama conducted a joint survey with private enterprises, which resulted in formation of projects of SMEs in Yokohama. Yokohama is also working with Da Nang People's Committee in Vietnam and Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in Thailand.

Partnership with Private Enterprises in Yokohama

The City of Yokohama is trying to come up with solutions to problems in cities overseas by taking advantage of technologies of SMEs in the city through dialogues with those enterprises. The city has also concluded comprehensive partnership agreements with JGC Corporation, JFE Engineering Corporation, Chiyoda Corporation, and Hitachi, Ltd. regarding international technical cooperation and has conducted joint surveys on urban development. The city has also been promoting the participation of other SMEs in joint projects with these partner companies.

City Promotion of Yokohama

The 3rd Asia Smart City Conference (October 30, 2014)

The City of Yokohama is extensively, domestically and internationally, promoting know-hows on urban development and infrastructure technologies that the city, private enterprises and universities in the city possess by organizing and participating in international conferences and receiving observers and trainees from overseas.
These achievements were highly appreciated and in 2014, the City of Yokohama was awarded the Special Mention in the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize 2014.
Also since 2012, the City of Yokohama has organized an international conference, the Asia Smart City Conference(외부 사이트), with the participation of mayors in Asian cities and representatives of international organizations. 
In the third conference held in 2014, mayors of 22 Asian cities, which is a record number, participated and shared visions and efforts for the development of sustainable cities, and they proposed to establish the Asia Smart City Network.

Support for overseas expansion of private enterprises

Yokohama Day (October 29, 2014)

The City introduces support measures for private enterprises by the national government or the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), with which the city was the first local government to conclude a comprehensive partnership agreement in 2011, and offers information on how to take advantage of those measures. The city promotes exchanges of opinions and information between the city, private enterprises, the national government, international organizations and other parties concerned in order to support the overseas expansion of private enterprises.

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